Noch 18215 HO Horses
$5 COURIER DELIVERY within NZ for all orders over $99 NZD!
Simply Painted at a Favorable Price!
The NOCH Hobby Figures are the first choice when you want to populate squares, railway platforms, parks, wagons, etc. at a favorable price.
The Hobby Figures are painted in a simpler way than the »normal« NOCH Figures and are, therefore, more cost-efficient.
The figures are available for the common H0, TT, and N scales with their launch.
The »Horses« model figure set is hand-painted and available for the H0 model scale, i.e. the 1:87 scale.
The set contains five animal figures in total – two of them are dark grey, one is white, one is black, and one brown. Populate your stable with these figures and bring life to your model farm.
You can recognize the especially cost-efficient NOCH Hobby Figures by their red packing.